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I have been practicing BaguaZhang for nearly twenty years.

I was first introduced to the practice by Earle Montague and practiced his Foundational form and animal forms. While living in Japan I was introduced to the Bagua linked palms of Wang Shujin. I also started to practice the Yin Style of BaguaZhang taught by He Jinbao and the Animal Forms and specifically learnt the full Dragon and Phoenix forms.


After some time in Japan and while back in the U.K. I was introduced to the Old eight palms, Linear palms and Swimming Body linked form taught by Tom Bisio.

I have had the privilege of having the time to spend in training in these various systems and methods of BaguaZhang. I can introduce you to the foundational practice of the art and then you can decide which particular method and form suits you as an individual.

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