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Developing the Root.

We will work with creating strength and support in a weak foot by developing balance in the arches and surrounding intrinsic musculature and mobility in a rigid foot through freeing the the joints.

We will work with creating more strength and support in the legs vital in protecting the back from unnecessary stress within transitional movements during everyday activities and exercise.



Exploration of key transitional movements from standing to sitting to lying and back again.

Not only are these key transitions useful in any exercise programme but more importantly form a large part of ordinary function in everyday life so it is essential to know how to move efficiently and effortlessly in these movements.

(We will look at everyday repetitive activities for example…

In and out of bed…In and out of chairs..In and out of your car and any number of activities relative to the workplace and home environment.


The Daily joint.

All the major joints of the body will be mobilised and stabilised through smooth circular movement(through open and closed chain methods)  held static positions and balance exercises.


You Knead this!

Restoration, recuperation, relaxation and rejuvenation.

Self massage techniques to important key areas of the body to stimulate circulation and release tension.


The Core (building the bodies foundation).

Key functional and practical exercises to build strength and balance in the…legs, core and Back.


The Daily Cat Stretch.

An appropriate concise and practical programme of exercise for a morning wake up and evening easing out.

Sit Fit. Easy and effective movements in a chair at work or in the home


Mind Breath Body Integration.

Simple mindful movements to encourage the stillness experienced in Meditation and the integration and coordination of mind body and breath in movement. Guided conscious relaxation in standing sitting and lying.


Thinking Ergonomics.

We will look at ways you can improve the home and workplace environment through your relationship to that space and the everyday objects that you use.

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